

Previously, on Analog Senses...

This is an archive of every article and link ever published on Analog Senses.








Morning Coffee

A look at one of my favorite fictional characters, followed by a roundup of some of the week’s most interesting pieces of writing.

published in digital life, weekly linkage.

Morning Coffee

A Deadpool review, and why the PG-13 rating is hurting filmmaking, followed by some of the week’s most interesting pieces of writing.

published in digital life, weekly linkage.

Introducing Candid

Introducing Candid, a weekly podcast about the craft of photography, covering the skills and technology we contend with on the road from hobbyist to professional.

published in podcasting.

Upgrading my Early-2008, 24-inch iMac with an SSD

After more than six years as my main computer, I was faced with the need to either replace or upgrade my Early-2008 24-inch iMac. Instead of replacing it, I upgraded the internal hard drive with an SSD, which gave it a new lease of life.

Last updated on

published in apple, guides.


Apple doesn’t design for you

Tech nerds are increasingly unable to understand Apple’s products and design decisions, because they’re no longer Apple’s core audience.

published in apple.

Lucid Mediocrity

Your inability to produce great creative work is probably not due to a lack of talent on your part, but you need to give yourself permission to suck.

published in digital life.

Adventures in Film Photography

In this new article series on Analog Senses I explore the journey of learning to shoot film, the many ways in which I prefer it to digital photography, and the different approach and mindset it requires.

published in photography.


AirParrot 2

AirParrot 2 is a huge update that introduces great new features like Media Streaming.

published in apple, digital life.

Chasing Retina

The Retina iMac is gorgeous but, is it for you?

published in apple.

Thoughts On Twitter

After they announced a new developer platform, it's time to think about Twitter the service vs Twitter the company

published in digital life.

The new iPads and the Retina iMac

Here are my first thoughts on the event held on October 16, 2014, where Apple introduced the new Retina iMac, the iPad Air 2, the iPad mini 3, and upgraded the Mac mini

published in apple.

Faster horses

On horses and Apple products. How can we understand the Apple Watch when we know so little about it?

published in apple, digital life.

The flagship iPhone

The iPhone 6 Plus is the most expensive model this year but, is it really the flagship?

published in apple, tech.


An article about the act of sharing, dealing with our emotions, facing our fears, and moving on.

published in digital life.

Now serving delicious baked goods

I finally migrated Analog Senses from a self-hosted Wordpress installation to a static publishing system built with Octopress and deployed on Github Pages. This is an account of how I did it, and how you can, too.

published in development, guides.