Category: podcasting
Candid, episode #56: Bitten in Inconvenient Places | ∞
Candid, episode #55: What’s With You and Eating Mosquitos? | ∞
Candid, episode #54: Mint in Box | ∞
Candid, Episode #53: He´s got dust in his Lightroom | ∞
Candid, Episode #52: Behind the Shot | ∞
Candid, Episode #51: Try to look untasty | ∞
Candid, Episode #50: You’ve Got to Have a Big Knob | ∞
Candid, Episode #50 (-1): Live from Toronto! | ∞
Candid Conversations: Olympus´ Yannick Michaud | ∞
Candid, Episode #47: Two Canadians and a Spaniard walk into a bar… | ∞
Candid Conversations: Panasonic´s Trisha Gillings | ∞
Candid, Episode #45: Canons, Macs, and the iPad Pro | ∞
Candid, Episode #44: The Sony a9 | ∞
Candid, Episode #43: Street Photography | ∞
A Candid Conversation with Erin Brooks | ∞
Candid Conversations: Adobe’s Josh Haftel | ∞
Candid, Episode #40: Medium Format—The Bigger Picture | ∞
Candid, Episode #39: Everything Old is New Again… Except Lightroom | ∞
Candid, Episodes 36, 37 and 38 | ∞
Candid, Episode #35: Lightroom Presets as a Learning Tool | ∞
Candid, Episode #34: Just a Huge Spacebar | ∞
Candid, Episode #33: What Makes a Photograph Compelling? | ∞
Candid, Episode #32: Unfamiliar Bedfellows | ∞
Candid at Photokina - Part 4: Odds & Ends | ∞
Candid at Photokina - Part 3: Fuji | ∞
Candid at Photokina - Part 2: Micro Four Thirds | ∞
Candid at Photokina - Part 1: Sony | ∞
Candid, Episode #27: Apples to Apples | ∞
Candid, Episode #26: “I Can’t Stop Touching It” | ∞
Candid, Episode #25: The Rise of Unsplash | ∞
Candid, Episode #24: Travel (Instagram) Stories | ∞
Candid, Episode #23: Expose to Whatever | ∞
Candid, Episode #22: Right Place, Wrong Lens | ∞
Candid Conversations: Drew Coffman | ∞
Candid, Episode #20: Photokina Predictions | ∞
Candid Conversations: Paul Matthijs of Hedge | ∞
Candid, Episode #18: RAWesome! WWDC for Photographers | ∞
Candid, Episode #17: Candid Unpacked, Part 1: Josh | ∞
Candid, Episode #16: Zooms vs. Primes & Mosquitos vs. Pyjama Bottoms | ∞
Candid, Episode #15: An Intro to Shooting Film | ∞
Marius Masalar’s definitive guide to podcasting audio | ∞
Candid, Episode #14: Rainbow Vomit Coloured Icon (And Other Thoughts on Instagram) | ∞
Candid, Episode #13: Hanging Out With Dan Hawk | ∞
Candid, Episode #12: The Perfect Compact Camera | ∞
Candid, Episode #11: The Most Expensive Advice in the World | ∞
Candid, Episode #10: Photo Editing & Manipulation | ∞
Candid, Episode #9: Inspiration | ∞
Candid, Episode #8: Mirrorless vs. DSLR | ∞
Candid, Episode #VII: Photo Gear For Travel | ∞
Candid, Episode #6: Accidental Apple Podcast | ∞
Candid, Episode #5: Mobile Workflows | ∞
The Rode PSA-1 boom arm review on Tools & Toys | ∞
Candid #4: “Canvas Snowman” | ∞
Candid #3: Micro Four Nerds | ∞
Candid, Episode 2: “Film & Fuji” | ∞
Introducing Candid
Introducing Candid, a weekly podcast about the craft of photography, covering the skills and technology we contend with on the road from hobbyist to professional.
Marco Arment’s podcasting microphones mega-review | ∞
Relay FM launches two new shows starring CGP Grey, Merlin Mann and John Siracusa | ∞
The Sweet Setup’s favorite podcast client for iOS | ∞
Inquisitive: Behind the App | ∞
How Jason Snell edits his podcasts | ∞
Jason Snell on podcast recording | ∞
Hovercraft to Paris | ∞
The Talk Show Bond Anthology | ∞
A great app for recording podcasts | ∞
The ultimate guide to podcasting guides
Sometimes it feels like there are more podcasting guides than actual podcasts out there.